Fair Well New Zealand and the Kiwi Connection

We have a bittersweet feeling in our hearts tonight as we leave this remarkable county and people tomorrow morning.  So we are not way farewell, we hope that this bit of paradise “Fares Well”.  We wish New Zealand and the Kiwi’s every opportunity and happiness that we have felt as a guest in their county.  Kiwi’s have a connection to their land inherent in everyone we met.  They do not consider themselves environmentalist but everyone  we have encountered has a respect for the land, their produce, and their way of life.  While they are not completely organic in every farm, before they will spray a pesticide they will endeavor to find a way for the land to heal itself rather than impose a quick human response to make the land eke out more produce for processing.  Everyone we have met here has been nothing short of the model of congeniality and we are grateful but sad to leave them behind.

We started this day before the sun rose with the moon and Venus as our guardians.


In the middle of a country field our team of eight intrepid ballooners got to work getting our kind and gentle ship in the air.IMG_3631 IMG_3615

Once the balloon was filled with air it was time to turn on the heat.  At the top of the balloon the temperature will reach 140 degrees Fahrenheit or 60 degrees celsius.


We all climbed aboard the basket of the balloon and took off.  Once again we had a trusted pilot, Carrick, from Scotland.


He flew the balloon to a height of 5,000 feet but also took us on low flying to the astonishment of the local cattle.


Here is a view of the interior of the balloon.


And one of our reflection in a pond while crossing.


The views, as in all of New Zealand were astonishing.


After our sunrise balloon ride we came back to the view from our room.  Since we got up at 5:00 AM naps were in order.



As a farewell, we took dinner down at the local harbor, oysters, a beet salad, and a shared chicken dish, while looking at the view from our table



So, we bid farewell and hope that this precious land “fares well”.


5 thoughts on “Fair Well New Zealand and the Kiwi Connection”

  1. What an amazing country!

    (With the balloon’s bright spokes of color and the soft glow of that cow, I’m getting a psychedelic vibe here.)

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