Category Archives: Donegal Castle

Ashford Castle Addendum

Yesterdays post was entirely devoted to the Hawk Walk with Connor, it was so special it deserved its own space.  The walk was not the end of the day.  Indeed we had a sunny afternoon to explore more of the castle grounds.  But first, baby pictures.

Oscar Wilde at one week of age.

And Millie, same age.

The first flourish we explored was the “Walled Garden”.

suggest you click to enlarge

This led out to another garden and the Long Walk.

A promenade of nature.

And, where mushrooms grow.

Next, The Quiet Man House.  John Ford filmed “The Quiet Man” at the castle and the surrounding Village of Cong in 1952 and all sorts of memorabilia are still present at the castle and in the Village.  This house is currently guest accommodations.

Love the vintage style Rovers.

Off to the Old School House, now guest accommodations as well.

Then a short drive to explore the grounds adjacent to the castle.

Someone’s feeling royal . .

This morning we woke to Irish sunshine.

The Last Breakfast.

As we departed, Wayne wanted to check some detail about the castle windows so we drove up for a last look and to snap a pic in the full sun.  Good thing we went there because in the lobby lay two Irish Wolfhounds, “Garvin”, and “Konen”.  Their size just gives more surface for humans to rub them.

Then it was off to Donegal in a futile search to replace that 30-year old tweed jacket.  We found nothing in the Donegal Castle or the town shops.