Category Archives: Giants Causeway

A Giant Legend

A singular purpose today – explore the Giants Causeway,  designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986 and the source of Gaelic mythology regarding a giant named Fionn mac Cumhaill.  On the way, we took a stop at Dunluce Castle a ruin from the 13th century precariously situated on a cliff.

After parking at the visitors center it was an easy walk, downhill, not so easy on the way back.


The geological formations look routine.

Then from nowhere the lack of randomness makes you ask –  is this the result  of 60 million years of geological activity  or human intervention?

The geology expanded into a virtual field of columns pushing out the ground and into the sea making your feet underneath seem extraterrestrial.

Climbing required care.

For safety there were several “Causeway Cops” blowing whistles when someone strayed into dangerous territory.

Here is the experience of navigating the field. Forgive my attempts to narrate over the wind.

Nooks and crannies, vast fields, an Escher stairway pouring into the sea.


The Wishing Chair.

Whole landscapes like no other.

You have been kind to all these scenic pictures over these last several days.  I promise they are over.  We head into Belfast tomorrow and the scenery will shift to urban architecture, old and new.

But wait, a decoy was spotted in a yellow rain slicker making several attempts to photo bomb our pictures.  This must stop.