Category Archives: Polebridge Mercantile

Slow Down, People Breathing

Since we are heading to the east side of the park tomorrow, we decided to drive up the west side of Glacier today and scout out the North Fork. We drove straight north along the boundary of the park for a completely different topography and flora. We drove up to the town of Polebridge and were greeted by this sign.

as always, click image to enlarge

We started out from our little cabin and drove to the west park entrance. Across the street, at the Conoco station, seems there was a meet up of unusual cars, especially this hand crafted creation.

On this drive, we were on the back side of Lake McDonald and saw the magic that happens post forest fire. The new growth comes back with a vigorous vengeance in defiance of the destruction. What we saw today was a result of the Moose Fire in 2001.

Today we learned what a Fen is. Kind of a cross between a marsh and a meadow.

Along the way we stopped and took in the flora.

We almost made it to Canada but the entry point was closed (wonder why?).

Free Library in the wilderness!

After several miles of gravel we pulled in to Polebridge. And it’s world famous Mercantile Store, the local gas station, cabins, and a cafe with an outdoor stage for music nights.

On the return, it was surprising to see how the colors were changing by just driving 20 miles north.

We’re headed to Many Glaciers Hotel tomorrow and will spend the entire trip on the Road-to-the Sun. Next two days, no wifi, no cell, so we’ll talk on Tuesday, campers.